It happens gradually for some people. Every day, they look at themselves unsuspectingly in the mirror, oblivious to the situation, until one day it catches their eye: their crowning glory is not quite what it used to be. Others, in contrast, get hit fast — hair today, gone tomorrow.
To understand why hair loss happens differently to people, you have to get to the root of what causes hair to fall out.
Also known as male or female pattern baldness, androgenetic alopecia is possibly the most common cause of hair loss, and, being genetic as well as age-related, it is also the hardest to deal with.
This is characterized by the shrinking of hair follicles with predisposed sensitivity to normal levels of androgen, causing higher-than-normal hair loss. You see it as the M-shaped hairline and thinning crown in men and a general thinning of the hair in women.
Some medications can help grow hair back, but once you stop applying or taking them, hair loss usually happens again. A more permanent but much more expensive solution is a hair transplant.
An even better option is low-level laser therapy. It is non-invasive, generally less expensive than a hair transplant, and beneficial not only for the growth of new hair but for the health of your existing hair as well.
Telogen is a phase of hair growth where the hair follicle is no longer connected to the root but has not entirely fallen out yet. For people with Telogen effluvium, the hair is stuck at this phase, causing them to quickly lose hair by the handful.
Common causes are severe stress, physical trauma, or hormonal imbalance. This type of hair loss is usually temporary, with the hair growing back gradually after the trigger is resolved.
A severe lack of iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and other vitamins and minerals causes hair to be more brittle and vulnerable to breakage which ultimately leads to hair loss. This is usually brought about by crash dieting or an underlying medical condition.
Hair loss is an unfortunate side effect of some medications like blood thinners, beta-blockers, antidepressants, oral contraceptives, or cholesterol-lowering drugs, to name a few. If you experience sudden hair loss while taking one of these medicines, consult your doctor and ask for a lower dose or a viable alternative.
Alopecia areata is caused by a medical condition where the immune system attacks the healthy cells of the body, mistaking them for foreign cells. When these attacks reach the hair follicles, eyebrows, or eyelashes, they may fall out in small chunks.
Autoimmune diseases cannot be cured, but their symptoms can be managed. Hair loss, in particular, can be treated with topical applications or injections of steroids to grow the hair back.
Traction alopecia is caused by a constant or persistent application of a pulling force or traction to the hair. People with long hair who adopt some hairstyles, like a very tight ponytail or braid, are prone to this condition, which usually resolves itself once the application of the pulling force is stopped.
Our body does not need hair to survive. It is a non-essential tissue, after all, but losing it can be a big blow to one’s appearance. This may never measure up to how far Samson fell when he lost his hair, but it is still enough to cripple one’s confidence.
If you are starting to see more of your hair on the pillow or the floor and everywhere else except where it should be, it is time to consult Natalie’s Skin Solutions, the best in hair regrowth in Naples Florida clients could ask for. We offer the Halo Elite Laser Hair Restoration Naples customers can get.
We also have an excellent Hair regrowth Fort Myers Florida center, offering the same high-quality Halo Elite Laser Hair Restoration Fort Myers residents will surely benefit from. Call Natalie’s Skin Solutions at (239) 936-7546 or visit our website at and reclaim your crowning glory.